SLUTTER rocks Chicago @ LiveWire

IMAG0723Women alive did SLUTTER bring the love & joy when they hit the stage dressed to kill last nite people, proving they are Chicago’s rock & roll party. They opened with “Detroit Rock City” as if to say, yo, you wanted the best, you got the best. These gals know that KISS with boobs is a heady brew and the audience beamed with delight throughout. They’re sexy and they rock, kinda like KISS used to be. Highlights for me included “Shock Me”, “Dr. Love”, “Black Diamond”, “Love Gun” and “God of Thunder” — go figure! SLUTTER have confetti cannons, an infectious sincerity and one of the coolest KISS-inspired logos in all KISStory. May God continue to bless the ladies of SLUTTER: the following impromptu interviews were done in the “Ladies Room” backstage Friday, March 6th @ Live Wire Lounge in Chicago. If you haven’t been there, and you rock, get there soon.

Front woman GG STANLEY’s singing, preening & semi-reluctant stage raps were brilliant. In some ways she is the best Paul Stanley clone I’ve seen, plus she’s got a hot bod. On the intro to “Cold Gin” she admitted she prefers a Merlot or Chianti and then, quickly tiring of the charade, simply closes with “yeah, whatever……. COLD GIN!!”. Lady Starchild smiled & laughed often at the sheer majesty of the tunes & spectacle that is SLUTTERI gotta tell you people, if you are down in the dumps, and you need something to bring you up, I think GG’s got you. 

DR. LOVE’s head wags, ghoulish glare, blood-letting and Demon growl were devilishly faithful and are a guilty treasure to be sure. Maybe it was the blood moon but, basically speaking, she’s watchin’ you, and you don’t know what to do whoa whoa ….  In fact, her decidedly menacing pleasure on “God Of Thunder” brought a comforting levity to the proceedings. We heard her words, we took heed ….it’s only right now. 

PETERLESS CRISS’s back beat nailed the early KISS groove even if she admits she has no affinity for Peter the man. She was especially strong on “King Of The Nighttime World”, “Shock Me” and “Dr. Love”. Gene once said that “when the drummer sucks even the fat girls know” and this is no exception. Peterless or not, Mrs. Criss has balls (behind the kit) plus she may be the comic genius mastermind behind SLUTTER’s considerable hi-jinx (cat).

ACE SHELEY is hot. Lady Space sounded like what you would expect if Ace had never been in KISS and then joined a KISS cover band called SLUTTER. She even kinda played her own versions of a few of the leads but with flash, balls and, dare I say, bravado. Sheley was amazing on “Shock Me”, a SLUTTER band-wide fav, taking every one at LiveWire quite literally down to the bare wire. Babe, I don’t wanna burst your bubble but she has the Mrs. Excitement vibe down, on guitar and otherwise. Her hair is perfect. She’s like a KISS dream date; my only regret was not going home with her and trading licks 🙂

PS – the outro to”Black Diamond” was A1 gonzo-rific!


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